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Medicine woman creating sacred space & potions for your healing

Acupuncture & Moxibustion


Acupuncture is the original Functional Medicine. It is a relatively low cost holistic treatment method that is noninvasive in nature, and extremely safe. It is a highly popular form of health care. Symptoms are viewed in relationship to the totality of a person in order to explore the root cause of an illness or imbalance.

Examination methods include

  • Sincere Inquiry of the health and medical history.

  • Physical Examination.

  • Pulse Diagnosis.

  • Tongue Diagnosis.

  • Assessments of the energetic movement as represented in Color, Sound, Odor and Emotion.

  • Nutritional assessment.

Trained in the Worsley system, I practice Traditional Five Element Acupuncture which is a powerful system of medicine, one that has been practiced in Asia for over 3000 years.

Chinese Medicine works at the juxtaposition of body, mind and spirit which opens all the gates that lead to deep healing. It has been proven to be effective on ailments from aches and pains to mental stress, physical and psychological addictions, and even more specific concerns from alleviating wrinkles on the face and bags under the eyes to relieving the impact of trauma.

Acupuncture is also used by up to one third of the world's population as a primary health care system, and it is practiced in many nations including the United States.

Acupuncture has been recognized by the United States National Institute of Health (NIH) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to be effective in the treatment of many illnesses.

Acupuncture Treatment Experience

Acupuncture treatments are unique, designed specifically for each individual and to empower you to evolve beyond the habitual behaviors that may be contributing to your illness.

Please schedule the Initial Healing Consult for your first appointment. This is a time where I gather all the relevant information needed from you, such as your medical history and your lifestyle, as well as discuss your present health concerns in depth to assess your condition. We will also discuss any other questions you may have regarding acupuncture treatments and other services I provide. The follow up sessions will be about 45 minutes to an hour in length. I would like to see you for six to eight more sessions, meeting about once a week.

I will monitor your progress through examining your pulse, tongue and the improvement of symptoms. You will most likely begin to experience improvement in your condition and perhaps a sense of ease in your life, as each acupuncture treatment builds upon the other. Eventually, as you get healthier, I would like to see you less often, from weekly to every other week, to once every three weeks, to once every month or once each season.

Acupuncture connects your heart pulse with the pulse of the universe and keeps your life feeling all zesty!

Anatomy of a healing journey. Myth Buster

Anatomy Of A Healing Journey
Rabab Al-Amin

Please press the play button above to listen.

Myth: One session can fix my symptoms.

Reality: Healing requires consistency and happens over time. A series of sessions that build into one another to heighten self and body awareness that bring your physiology, mindset and spirit into balance and unity.

How Acupuncture Works

Acupuncture is a highly effective system of holistic medical care. It is based on natural laws that govern the movement of vital life force or energy. Our bodies are part of nature, and therefore this natural law applies to our bodies as well as to nature. This life force, or energy, called Qi (pronounced ""chi""), moves through the bodies in specific pathways called meridians. (The same "chi" is what martial artists seek to muster to give themselves extraordinary focus and strength.) These meridians support the functions of the different organs in our bodies on all three levels of body, mind and spirit.

Imbalance or symptoms occur when the Qi is not moving freely and evenly throughout the meridians in our bodies. These symptoms are viewed in relationship to the whole person in order to discover the root cause of a disease or illness.

The energy traveling in these meridians can be accessed through inserting hair-thin needles at certain points along these meridians. The action of the needle insertion restores and supports the natural flow of Qi energy. This usually leads to the elimination of the presenting symptoms, in addition to a deep awakening and healing.

Pulse Diagnosis

This is not the same as when your Allopathic doctor or nurse checks for your pulse rate.

Chinese Medicine Pulse diagnosis is a very sophisticated method that requires many years of clinical practice and sensitivity to develop the skill necessary to get a handle on it. A skillful acupuncturist can gather information about the health of your blood, Qi, and fluids and much more.

I monitor your pulses throughout the session and overtime to assess your progress. image fig2 from ‘Handbook of Contemporary Chinese Pulse Diagnosis’ (21)

Tongue Diagnosis

Tongue diagnosis is like a form of ancient X-Ray of the body. The shape, color, texture, coating all reflect the condition of the interior of your body. I monitor your tongue regularly through put the treatments to monitor your progress. 


photo of Rabab applying moxa on a patient

Moxibustion is the application of heat on the body and acupuncture points by burning the dried herb moxa/ Artemisia Vulgaris commonly known as Mugwort. The application of moxa ignites your health by stimulating the flow of Qi and strengthening the blood. It also warms your body and fortifies your energy. 

Moxa can be applied directly on the skin or indirectly by using a moxa stick, a moxa box, precious shelling stones, ginger, salt or different other tools. 

San Fu Tian | Heavenly Moxibustion

San Fu Moxibustion is the external application of a combination of herbs on specific acupuncture points, on the hottest summer days. San Fu days are not set dates. They are calculated each year according to the estimated hottest summer days.

Supporting your immune system.

2023 the dates are:

July 21st, and 31st, August 10th.

Book your appointment now.

Cosmetic Acupuncture

Cosmetic Acupuncture, also known as facial rejuvenation acupuncture, is a gentle non-surgical technique that is used to reduce the signs of aging from the face while improving the overall health and balance of the whole body. This ancient technique can erase 5-15 years from the face and brings out your innate beauty and radiance. Results are evident shortly after beginning treatment. Benefits may include: 

* Fine lines eliminated and deeper wrinkles diminished
* Increased muscle tone, and tightened pores.
* Increased collagen production.
* Diminished acne by improved hormonal balance. 
* Droopy eyelids lifted 
* Bags under the eyes reduced and puffiness around eyes eliminated.
* Firmer jowls and minimized double chins.
* More moisturized skin by increased circulation to the face
* Reduced stress evident in the face.
* Improved facial color.

For more information please call  410-299-0752 or email: